Breastfeeding mothers’ little helper

At least once a month, whether we're sampling in stores, at an event or chatting at our farmer's market booth, someone brings up the connection between oats and breast milk production. So we did a little Googling over the holidays, and found 3 articles on the subject we thought worth sharing. To our delight, oats … Continue reading Breastfeeding mothers’ little helper

On patience . . . and going with your gut

Canvas Rebel recently interviewed Founder Therese Moore. Therese highlighted challenges all entrepreneurs face, and talked about the importance of patience in navigating through constant unexpected twists and turns. She also discussed the importance of trusting your gut, even when facing tough decisions that could force compromises in your original passion and mission. Their full exchange … Continue reading On patience . . . and going with your gut

National Farmers Market Week is here!

We're re-sharing this nice piece from our friends at Mill City Farmers Market - one of the local markets where we found our community, experimented with our recipes and were encouraged to create the ready-to-eat versions for stores. Our fellow makers and the visitors to these markets still get us out of bed early on … Continue reading National Farmers Market Week is here!

Europe, a dinner party & lots of feedback: Therese dishes with Stephanie Hansen

Stephanie Hansen is one of those heavenly souls we makers cherish for their support of the local community. It's hard enough to come up with a novel idea. It's next-level hard to bring that idea out into the world, capture interest, and inspire someone to pay actual money to try it. And to keep going! … Continue reading Europe, a dinner party & lots of feedback: Therese dishes with Stephanie Hansen

Show your heart some love – February is heart-health month

It's no coincidence that this month of Valentines is also officially heart-health month. You can show your own heart some extra love this month by building steel-cut oats into your daily meal routine. So much has been written about the many health benefits from these amazing grains. We like these two pieces - one from … Continue reading Show your heart some love – February is heart-health month

Bearprints spotted in more Twin Cities locations than ever

Ok that was just a headline to get your attention. Because if you're like us you get alot of stuff on your phone or computer you try to avoid. But maybe if you think there are bears running around you'd want to know where they are. Luckily they're probably hibernating by now - at least … Continue reading Bearprints spotted in more Twin Cities locations than ever

Market wagon starts delivering in the twin cities

As it cools off and most farmer's markets close for the season, it can be tough on local makers to find affordable ways to bring their goods to market. Market Wagon is a startup out to address that problem, and has just launched in the Twin Cities. Ordering on the site is easy - choose … Continue reading Market wagon starts delivering in the twin cities